Close-up of waterlilies in the main lake at Monet’s garden, Giverny. Unknown varieties – records of the plants in the garden were not as detailed as I normally find in UK gardens.
Category Archives: Travel
Monet’s garden at Giverny, from a feature for SAGA Magazine. The main lake with waterlilies.
Monet’s garden at Giverny, from a feature for SAGA Magazine.
Beaches on River Thames at Kew and Strand-On-The-Green at low tide.
Details, rock and shingle beach on the River Thames near Kew.
Busker in the River Thames, under the Millennium Bridge, playing an electric guitar ….on an incoming tide. I only saw him once.
Winter seascape at Dunwich, Suffolk – 13.12.17
One of those short bursts of light that only occur with storm clouds. Reflections in the River Thames at Mortlake.
Shingle beaches on the River Thames, near Mortlake. Close-ups and details of the rocks and cobbles that have been washed onto the beaches.
Some new images taken in Andalucia for the Coast of Light series, August and September 2017. Click on ‘Projects’ to see the full series.