Tag Archives: sea

Coast of Light, March 2018

Some recent photographs from Andalucia in the Coast of Light series. Playa de Los Bateles, Conil de la Frontera, 11.3.18 Conil de la Frontera from Playa de Los Bateles, 11.3.18 Plastic bags on high tide line, El Puerto de Santa Maria, 10.3.18 Beach café, El Puerto de Santa Maria with cycle path, 10.3.18 Straits of Gibraltar, near Tarifa, 12.3.18 Tarifa, Andalucia. Where two seas meet, taken from the same position – 1. Atlantic Ocean 2. Mediterranean Sea, 12.3.18 Shopping mall, Jerez, 10.3.18 Wildling grass in tree – El Puerto de Santa Maria, 10.3.18 Bougainvillea – El Puerto de Santa Maria, 10.3.18 […]

Straits of Gibraltar

Hemsby, Norfolk

Hemsby, Norfolk. Haven’t had time to upload pics recently, with work and holidays taking priority! Ironically some pics taken last December on another roll of film that only got processed today.

Exhibition of Pinhole Impressions photographs, from 19th February 2010

At the same time I was taking the Pinhole Impressions monochrome series (see previous post), I was also photographing the dramatic coastline near Cape Trafalgar, Andalucia, in Southern Spain. This time vivid colour images were produced, using the same pinhole camera. Around 12 images from this set will be exhibited at Los Balcones del Califa, in the hilltop town of Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz. The gallery is situated only a few kilometres from the beautiful Cape Trafalgar and the town of Conil, where the photographs were taken. There will also be a limited edition book produced to illustrate the exhibition. This […]