The Bermondsey Tiger
A couple of weeks ago I saw a programme on TV about the reintroduction of certain animals into the wild in various parts of Europe and North America. Wolves and bears seemed to be the favourite cuddly beasts. So it was to my great surprise that whilst wondering around Bermondsey last week I stumbled upon a tiger! He seemed quite happy sitting in the tree, and appeared to be enjoying the sunshine. Not sure why he was there – doubt he knew either, so if anyone can explain, I’d be pleased to know!

Ray, one of my neighbours, had the toy going spare – not sure why, perhaps a leftover from his grandson. He gave it to the cab shop on the corner and, in a flash of inspiration, they stuck it up the tree. The drivers spend a fair amount of time waiting for a call and we all form a bit of a community here, so the furry fellow has fitted right in. My daughter waves to him every morning to keep him friendly.
Thanks for this! It’s great to see a sense of humour, and also great to see that the local authorities haven’t decided that it poses a threat to something or someone or contravenes a bylaw. Long may it continue!